Campbell and Kilmun

on Nov 29, 2015

The pier at Kilmun, the first on the Cowal peninsula, dates from 1828 when David Napier purchased land on the north shore of the Holy Loch. Napier’s vision opened up the feuing of the region and he built a number of villas along the shore. It also opened up a new route to Inveraray by way of Loch Eck and Strachur and his efforts to popularize this route will be found in other articles on this site. In Napier’s biography an advertisement of 1829 is quoted “At Kilmun there is now a substantial quay built, where passengers can land at all times. Houses to let, ground to feu,” and Napier had his steamers Kilmun and Earl Grey built to serve the needs of his feuars and the new route patrons. The boiler explosion of the Earl Grey steamer in 1835 signaled the end of David Napier’s interests in owning a steamboat fleet on the Clyde. The steamers, Kilmun, Saint Mun, Cupid, and the wreck of the...